Should you have any enquiries related to The African Church Of Truth also known as TACOT (SA), it's operational and geographic
areas, the belief structure and systems applicable to it's constitution, feel free to contact the National Chairman of the
Church National Board of The African Church Of Truth of South Africa at:-
Are empowered in terms of the Marriage Act and the Civil Union Act of South Africa to legally perform marriages, and are
registered, tested and appointed by the Department of Home Affairs of South Africa and as such will comply with all the legal
requirements within these Act's. Any person who may require proof of such may request via email to the National Church Spokesperson
and Chairman of the Board of Directors at as per the Promotion of Access to Information Act (Act 2 of
2000) of South Africa.
At TACOT you will find a place where you have an impartial friend who will happily listen, understand and share without judgement.
At TACOT we EXCHANGE, SUPPORT and COMMUNICATE to make lives better.
We support our Communities as the core principal and underlying foundation of our beliefs.
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