Matching a partner physically is easy by the Law of Attraction, but just how well do the two
of you get along emotionally and under stress? What behaviour can you expect when your partner is hurt, angry, emotional,
fearful or possessive?
No matter how long a couple has been together, there are always more
things to learn about one another. If the two of you disagree on some statements, do you talk about them in more depth? How
can you expect your partner to react if confronted? What signs tells you that not all is well? How
could you support your partner’s weaknesses?
What are the
keys to a happy marriage? How can you enjoy the blessings of a happy family?
Is your marriage fulfilling and satisfying? The hope for a happy, fulfilling marriage is one of our deepest desires.
Sharing our hopes, dreams and life with the one we love is one of life's most fulfilling experiences.
A good marriage blessed with happy, respectful, successful children is the crowning touch of a good life.
We'd all love to have this story be our story!
If your
partner has done something that hurts your feelings or, there is a problem in the relationship that you wish to discuss with
your partner. Your attempts to communicate your feelings over the situation are met with silence. Your partner’s way
of avoiding the conflict is to refuse to participate in the conversation. How well do you really understand your partner?
There are
literally thousands of questions I could add to the list. But, most importantly we need to seriously take note that the divorce
rate in any country is epidemically high and growing by the day. There is no University Degrees available for potential couples
to study how to find the right partner or how to live and work the right way in a relationship. We need to learn it for ourselves.
Over the past 40-plus
years I have developed a program/test that has assisted many couples. Before they get married they are given a good in-depth
reality check as far as their partner is concerned. Once the couples have completed the test, I will have an individual and
a combined meeting with both. We will discuss during the individual meeting who you really are and what your partner’s
possible reaction is going to be once your partner finds out. At the same time you want to maybe keep your relationship with
your partner but require help or counseling. That we can arrange for you. You might want to discuss if you still want to reveal
the results to your partner before we have a joint meeting.
Many problems
can be resolved long before a marriage. Remember once you are in a marriage, the effects of your choices could have a devastating
effect not only on your family but your partner and children as well. These negative effects spillover in disappointment,
that causes divorce and financial ruin.
Should you wish to make an appointment to do our compatibility
test, please complete the request form below and send to us today.
Our Office will
contact you and arrange an appointment at your convenience.