The African Church Of Truth

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The Promise of Truth


                        Many people have wondered what the word ‘TRUTH’ represents in The African Church of Truth!!  It simply means the ‘Holy Spirit’. Jesus Christ said that He will send someone to stay with us until the end, meaning the Holy Spirit. To verify if this truth is the Holy Spirit, we need to look at the following Biblical explanations John16:8, Romans8:16,26, 1John2:27, John7:38, Galatians5:22,23,26, Galatians5:17,17, and Acts2:17.


                        Once we’ve read the scriptures above one can understand that the Truth lives forever, the Truth is alive, the Truth follows a path, the Truth is only but the truth of what is and what has to come.


                        The Truth is not in the past tense nor is it about history. It is not in the future but in the present. The Truth is now. The Truth is what you feel; the Truth is like your intuition. The Truth only requires following, without reasoning or questioning. The Truth will care for you as it has been ahead of you and knows your path. The Truth will never leave you alone. The Truth is there in difficult times, in times that you feel lonely, scared, fearful, worried and in pain.


                        Remember, in the beginning The Word was God, and God sent His Son, and the Son loved us so dearly, and felt so deeply for us that His promise to send the Truth to look after and to be with us until the end was fulfilled by sending the Holy Spirit.  We in The African Church of Truth acknowledge the promise and want to remind the world of the promise that is with us.


      “Follow the Truth as the Truth will set you free”




The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements, and to store his few possessions. But then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had happened; everything was lost. He was stunned with grief and anger. "God, how could you do this to me?" he cried.


    Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. "How did you know I was here?"  asked the weary man of his rescuers. "We saw your smoke signal," they replied.


    It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God.




We are honored that you are visiting our web site. Being a religious organization, we are always striving to find new ways to get our message out to current and prospective members. This web site allows us to reach people we may never have been able to contact before.

Please use this site to access the information you need about
the Church and as a resource for broadening your faith. We look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you might have.


Should you feel like talking to someone, please drop us an Email

You are never alone, I shall allways be with you


TACOT is about establishing ‘house churches’ or ‘church cell groups’ as it was in Biblical times. The cell group will never be larger than 25 people, which is the average size of a normal household party or get together. The cell group would consist of the same people at every meeting, for life. Furthermore, it would not be strange to have 5 or 6 cells in one suburb.


These cell members would all know each other; know each other’s needs, ailments, sicknesses, fears, worries, would know their shortcomings. They would know when you’ve lost your job, or are in financial difficulties. Based on the circumstances of this cell Church group, they would decide if there would be 3 or 4 cell meetings per week or month. These cell groups were taught how to read and write. Now, they could read their own Bibles 


The interesting fact of our Church cell groups is that we never part with money for the house of the Lord. What happens is that if the Church meets at your house, and everybody knows you, they would bring along something which they feel you are in need of. For example, groceries, warm clothing, petrol, school books for the kids, a carpet for your bedroom, a new Bible, medicine, hot water bottle etc. etc. The Church does however accept donations. These donations are used to help communities that had major losses like floods, fire and other nature destructions. 


I basically want you to get the idea that these Church cell groups are extended families, families and friends with the same aim serving the Lord. You see, Jesus Christ never set out to build Churches, but was operating from house to house. He was preaching in the veld, in the valleys and from hilltops.  The important thing is not the building in which you serve the Lord, but the heart from which you serve the Lord. Our emphasis is to care for each other, and in doing so to make our journey as believers and followers of Jesus Christ a little bit easier and more tolerable. In such small cell groups, no-one can hide; no-one is left alone or left out. No-one is overlooked, and everybody is recognized. So, is Jesus restored as head of the Church. At this moment in time I would like you to change the word Church for gathering, because then you will understand clearly that we are a religious group, gathering at different cell houses. 


Let me remind you that in the first 300 years of existence of the Christian Church, Christians met in the homes of members and that as for assemblies of Christians in buildings that were purposely built for Church gatherings, did not exist. A political drive has changed it with political motivations in the year 313AD with the signing of the Edict of Milan. Constantine became Ceasar of the Roman Empire in 306AD. He had a political move in place to bring all religions into harmony in the Empire. He encouraged many beliefs and practices of pagan temple worship to be brought into Christianity. He made a concerted effort to bring Christians together into purpose-built buildings wherein “Church” often became the performance of rituals, similar to religious practices in pagan temples. We still live with some of this religious heritage today. The first record of a building purposely built as a “Church dwelling” was in 323AD, three centuries after the establishment of Christianity.


No Bible scholar questions the fact that Christians originally met in the homes of the members when the Church was first established in the first century. In Jerusalem the gospel was first preached to non-believers in the Jewish Temple. From their, the believers continued their fellowship with one another in their homes. (Acts 2:46)


Also, members like Aquila and Priscilla met with others in their home in the city of Rome (Romans 16: 3-5), as well as in their home when they lived in Ephesus (1 Corinthians 16:19). In Asia, Philemon met with other Christians in his house (Philemon1, 2). The Saint assembled in the house of Nympha in Colosse (Colossians 4:15). The Church in Corinth first met in the house of Titus Justus (1 Corinthians 16:7). Therefore, meeting in homes, although in small groups, it still remains one Church, in one country as a whole.


In the work of evangelism and edification, the early Christians went from house to house. Jesus went from house to house during his early ministry (Matthew 8: 14; 9:10, 23, 28; Luke 20:38; 14:1; 19:5). He also taught the disciples to teach from house to house (Matthew 10:12-14; Luke 10:1-7), and, He instituted the Lord’s Supper in a house (Matthew 28:18-29). Out of necessity, the early Christians taught from house to house. (Acts 5:42; 20:20)  They received people into their homes for teaching. (Acts10; 28:30, 31) When Saul persecuted the Church, he went from house to house where Christians were meeting. (Acts8:3)


The point is that the activity of the early Christians was centered around their homes. It is right to meet in your house to worship.


Our homes are where we discover relationships, where lifetime friendships are built, and all of this is built on the foundation of love. This is wherever you find people who seek to enhance their relationship with Jesus by serving God, being together and sharing, bearing one another’s burdens, praying for one another, laying the hands on one another, praying for the sick, encouraging each other, and understanding each other. You see, by doing all this we are an extended family, all in the name of the Lord.


We at The African Church of Truth (TACOT), have many small groups of Christians meeting in many homes within our communities all over South Africa. We encourage the mutual support of families who seek to carry out the mission of Jesus. Cell House Church groups of Christians who are seeking to minister to the needs of others in the neighborhood. We seek to help our communities. TACOT requires every member to fulfill his or her ministry to others, to spontaneously participate with everyone, to be a servant to everyone in the cell, and to use the Bible as a guide to establish our relationship with God.


TACOT wants our members to just be Christians, nothing more, nothing less. We do not have dress code, many doctrines, rules or regulations. We do not believe in uniformity as identification, by wearing specific clothing. We don’t have secret handshakes or ulterior motives. We don’t kick you out of the Church if you have made a mistake in life. We are servants to support and uplift, even if you are on crutches from continuously failing to live up to the standards of Jesus Christ. We do not tell you to stop doing a sin, as that is the Spirit of God’s work. Our members are guided by the Holy Spirit that has been awaken within us. You too have the same Spirit; all it perhaps needs is an acknowledgement and revival. Perhaps you just need to listen to it for a moment. 


Our only requisition is that you read your Bible daily and pray to God as many times as you can afford, and assist, give consideration and care for those in need in your community with true love. Be passionate about Christianity, that’s all.


The African Church of Truth, is building on the foundation that God is the Ultimate head of the Church and that whosoever believes in Him must come through the Son, Jesus Christ.  The Church believes in the workings of the Holy Spirit. The Church believes that the Holy Bible is a  guidance book to the workings of God and it forms the basis of the teachings within the Church. We do Baptising, Funerals, Blessings, Counselling, Marriage, Herbal and Spiritual healing, and Christening sermons form part of the Church Activities.


Everything you need to know about Wedding Ceremonies in South Africa, Christenings, Marital Law, Wedding Planners, the history of The African Church Of Truth, Church Counseling, Donations and Funerals, just send us an Email


The Church is headed by Reverend Daniel Brits and Reverend Mveleli Freeman Matandela. The Church Constitution is freely availabile on request. We are a registered Non-Profit Organization. Donations are always welcome. CLICK HERE to get Donation Details via email.



The Church guarantees that no part of any donation given will be used for any purpose other than that intended. The Church does not take any admin fees or make any other deductions from such donations.


The Church regards donations as a “free will” gift. We provide no donation list and we do not identify the donor.  The Church regards all donations as an action between you, the donor and God. On a monthly basis the Church visits charity organizations whom they support to establish what their needs are. The Church generates via community support, whatever assistance the Church can offer. Should you however, want to directly support a specific group, and feel that you want to deal with them directly, please send us an e-mail by clicking HERE, and we will put you in direct contact with them. Donations are applied to the following categories:


1.                  Fire Victims

2.                  Flood Victims

3.                  Soup Kitchens

4.                  The First Step Programme

5.                  Winter: Food, clothing and shelter programme

6.                  Violence Against Children Programme

7.                  Aids Orphan Assistance


By pledging a monthly donation (or a once-off donation), such donation, if unidentified as to which category the donor wishes it to go to, it will be divided amongst the abovementioned categories in order of need.


Once you have decided that through the blessings of God you want to donate to the less fortunate, you can either select from the list of categories or pledge a ‘general’ donation. All you do is send us an e-mail and tell us which category.  For any questions or queries on Donations please feel free to contact us. Your donations will reach the heart of many less fortuned. It's by giving that we receive in abundance.  

                        For ‘general’ donations CLICK HERE.


Your relationship with God is the foundation of your life…on earth and for eternity.  It’s the most important relationship you’ll ever enjoy.  Build your relationship with God so you can reap the life-changing benefits that only He can provide: unconditional love; eternal life; financial and emotional strength; health; and solutions to every problem or challenge you’ll ever face. 


Truth... where all change begins!


Religion Without Boundaries



We Welcome You .....

You are invited to acquaint yourself with our Church. Our Church has no limits. We are not bound by rules or tradition. What binds us is our need for a better relationship with God and the faith to make a difference in our lives, and the lives of others.

Are you tired of the same old boring Church services Sunday after Sunday? Do you even go to Church at all? Well here’s something very different! As it was years ago, we’re here to break religious tradition! We’re tired of the double standards and hypocrisy we see in traditional Churches across the country. We’re tired of the backbiting and judgemental attitudes that are so prevalent in some of the Churches today. We’re not here to judge each other but to serve each other, to be brothers and sisters of a very unique family on a journey and just passing by.


We make it our mission to assist each other in our Spiritual needs each and every day!  Our Church doesn't need your 'tenth' or any money at all.  In fact, we've never had use for it in fifty years !!! 


Our Teachings

Our teachings will feed yous spirit, mind and soul.  Our Church is about freedom.  It's about helping people!  Our Church is wherever you are.  Call us to find out how you can start your own community family. 

Everybody has commented so far that they find our teachings deeply thought provoking. We don’t promote anything other than the TRUTH. We don’t ask you to alter your beliefs or your ideas, just be open-minded. We don’t have all the answers, just the TRUTH. We do not bog you down with red tape and a lot of rules, nor do we select you on your standard of education, status or position in the community.  As a matter of fact we don't select you at all, "you select us".


Ask Questions

We are not interested in what you earn, where you stay or what language you speak. We do not judge your opinion or your ideas. We are simple people who are only interested in the TRUTH. That is all. We will be very happy if you can make an effort to find just one hour of your time for one of our Reverends to visit you.  We do not ask for any donations, nothing will make you uncomfortable. People are searching for a more fulfilled and happy life!  In our Church, you can, at any time, ask any question you want, especially those questions that you believe are important to you, or, just ask if you don’t understand anythingActually, in our Church, questions are very important!  The TRUTH is already in you.  It was there even before you were born.  The TRUTH is the Holy Spirit of God. 

We know that God can help you overcome the daily battles and struggles you face. We’ll assist you through them if you are willing to give our assistance a try.  Our Church has no boundaries.  We want to create a God loving “family” of like-minded serious people. Believers that will follow only the TRUTH.






He Can Provide
Your relationship with God is the foundation of your life... on earth and for eternity.  It's the most important relationship you'll ever enjoy.  Build your relationship with God so you can reap the life-changing benefits that only He can provide: unconditional love; eternal life; financial and emotional strength; health and solutions to every problem or challenge you'll ever face.
We have small networks of Churches all over South Africa.  Start in your community, your network of believers, today.  This is a new and exciting way of creating a family of believers who love each other, care for each other and look out for each other.



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